Engility bags $71M US Navy contract


The U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) has awarded defense company Engility a $71 million contract to deliver systems engineering on U.S. naval aircraft and weapons systems.

As part of the contract, Engility will assess the technical performance, suitability and risks of aircraft, weapon and integrated systems. The team will perform systems engineering, analysis, development, integration and testing for the introduction of warfare systems into naval aircraft.

This includes direct systems engineering support throughout the full life cycle of a weapon system from concept development through disposal, and it is applied to all naval aircraft.

“With our engineering expertise and proven performance, Engility is best positioned to analyze, test, and help manage the myriad of naval aircraft and weapon systems,” said Engility CEO Lynn Dugle. “Working side-by-side with the Navy, we can help ensure fleet safety and mission success.”

NAWCAD is responsible for advancing research and development, engineering, and test and evaluation of all Navy and Marine Corps air vehicle systems.