Croatian Navy fast attack craft fires RBS15 missile


The Croatian Navy fired an RBS15 missile in the waters of Dugi Otok and Žirje on October 19.

The RBS15 was fired from the fast attack craft RTOP-42 Dubrovnik while another two fast attack craft performed gun firing at land and air targets during Harpun 16, a live fire exercise held between October 16-23.

Thirteen warships and seven coast guard ships, together with the Croatian Air Force and different command elements, took part in the exercise.

Harpun 16 is the main training event of the Croatian Navy this year and one of the main activities in the process of implementation of the Navy’s capability goals.

The exercise is being conducted in order to increase the operational capabilities in planning and implementation of joint naval operations in a complex maritime environment, with the focus on the implementation of firing an anti-ship missile and maritime assault.

“The firing of the RBS15 demonstrated the Croatian Armed Forces’ capability to operate from all RBS15 launch platforms, which is a significant step forward in the Croatian Armed Forces’ capabilities,“ says Lieutenant General Drago Matanović, deputy chief of the general staff said.

“Croatia have for a long time been an important customer for us and this firing is a strong proof of their expertise and knowledge and clearly demonstrates the reliability of the missile system,” said Michael Höglund, head of marketing and sales at business unit Missile systems within Saab, the Swedish company that manufactures the missile.