NATO ready for Trident Juncture 2016


Bringing together armed forces from 21 NATO allies at the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, exercise Trident Juncture tests the NATO Response Force and how allies respond to a crisis situation.

It allows NATO to demonstrate its readiness, flexibility and capability to respond to threats from a range of areas.

Running for two weeks from 24 October to 4 November, Trident Juncture 2016 will unfold at Allied military headquarters in Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, and onboard NATO ships afloat.

300 personnel from UK will join a total of 500 personnel from allies including from Albania, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey and the US.

The UK framework Allied Rapid Reaction Corps is one of the UK’s leading military contributions to NATO. It will be on standby in 2017 when the UK takes the lead in NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Force (VJTF) in 2017 to be ready to be deployed in days to protect NATO allies from potential threats.