Finish, Estonian Navy in mine warfare drill in Archipelago Sea


Navy vessels from Finland and Estonia are set to take part in a mine countermeasure exercise that will take place in the Archipelago Sea and in the Gulf of Finland between October 10 and 14.

The exercise is called Baltic Shield 2016 and will include firing and mine counter-measures exercises.

According to the Finnish Navy, Finland will take part in the exercise with two Katanpää-class minehunters while Estonia will send two Sandown-class minehunters and a support vessel. About 80 persons from Finland and 110 persons from Estonia will participate in the exercise.

Baltic Shield will be led by Commander Kristian Isberg, Commander of the Finnish 4th Mine Counter-Measures Squadron.

“The national aim of the exercise is to improve the ability to operate as a part of a multinational mine warfare naval force and to develop the competence of the personnel when serving in demanding international crisis management tasks,” Commander Isberg explained.

“The international goal is to develop the air defence interoperability of naval artillery and vessel operations and to maintain and develop international cooperation in mine warfare.”