Finnish Navy minelayer Pansio completes mid-life upgrade


Atlas Elektronik Finland has completed work on the Finnish Navy’s minelayer Pansio and delivered the vessel to the navy on October 3.

Atlas Elektronik said the mid-life upgrade had been carried out together with Uki Workboat Oy (Uudenkaupungin Työvene Oy) as a subcontractor.

According to the company, the other two Pansio-class minelayers, Porkkala and Pyhäranta, will also be refitted.

The refitting will extend the use of the ships well into the 2030’s, the company said.

“All the work required for the refitting was done in Finland. We have already had significant joint projects with the Finnish Navy and Border Guard. During these previous projects we have built up a considerable amount of know-how in Finland. We hope to be able to utilize these skills in future naval projects, too,” said the CEO of Atlas Elektronik Finland (AEFI), Jaakko Savisaari.

AEFI has previously delivered systems technology to Hamina class missile boats of the Finnish Navy. They have also delivered an integrated navigation and mission management system to the offshore patrol vessel Turva of the Finnish Border Guard.

The machinery, satellite communications and light weapons systems required for the currently renovated minelayers were purchased from abroad since there is no Finnish manufacturer. AEFI carried out the whole demanding systems programming in Finland. The basic functions of the minelayers have been maintained or developed in the refitting.