Gallery: NATO ships from SNMG1 pass through largest fjord in Norway


Navy ships currently deployed to NATO’s Standing Maritime Group 1 passed through the fjord of Sogne (Sognefjorden) in Norway yesterday and the group’s photographer took the opportunity to make a couple of amazing photos.

The Sognefjord is the largest fjord in Norway and the second longest in the world. It stretches 205 kilometres (about 86 Nautical miles) inland from the ocean. It reaches a maximum depth of 1,308 metres below sea level and cliffs surrounding the fjord rise almost sheer from the water to heights of 1,000 metres.

SNMG1 is currently constituted by the Spanish frigate ESPS Almirante Juan de Borbón, Portuguese frigate NRP Álvares Cabral and German corvette FGS Ludwigshafen am Rhein.

ESPS Almirante Juan de Borbón (F-102) now serves as flagship of the Standing NATO Maritime Group One as it took over the role from ESPS Méndez Núñez during the group’s port visit to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on September 26.

Prior to the change of flagship, SNMG1 took part in the German exercise Northern Coasts, hosted by Denmark this year, and is now en route to Norway.