USS Jackson wrapping up maiden voyage


U.S. Navy’s Indepedence-variant littoral combat ship USS Jackson (LCS 6) is set to arrive to her new homeport in San Diego on September 22, thereby completing its maiden voyage after passing full ship shock trials.

Following construction at the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, Jackson set sail for Mayport, Florida, conducting equipment checks, system tests and crew certification training along the way. While at Naval Station Mayport Jackson and her crew successfully completed full ship shock trials (FSST).

Upon departing Mayport, the ship continued testing and training and made port visits to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Balboa, Panama; and Manzanillo, Mexico before its arrival to San Diego.

“USS Jackson’s ability to arrive in its homeport of San Diego two months ahead of schedule and following successful completion of a comprehensive series of trials, including Full Ship Shock Trials, is not only a testament to the entire crew, but more importantly, it is a testament to the true sustainability and capability of this amazing warship. It’s something the entire LCS community should be very proud of,” said Cmdr. Troy Fendrick.

Jackson is the third littoral combat ship of the Independence variant, which features an innovative, trimaran hull. The unique hull design offers stability for blue water operations, as well as operations in the littorals.

LCS vessels were designed to be high-speed, shallow draft multi-mission ships capable of operating independently or with an associated strike group. They are designed to defeat growing littoral threats and provide access and dominance in coastal waters.