Lockheed Martin to provide further work on US Navy ISIS submarine imaging system


The U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command has awarded Lockheed Martin a $126.2 million contract modification to provide further engineering services and support of the Integrated Submarine Imaging Systems (ISIS) program.

ISIS captures and distributes high-definition video and photographic data into submarine periscopes.

The system allows submariners to use both the optical light path of existing submarine periscopes, and images and videos from periscope-mounted cameras that can be remotely controlled by a conning officer.

Lockheed’s services will include design, development, testing, reverse engineering, technology insertion/refreshment, engineering services, field engineering services, and system support.

ISIS is used on U.S. Navy’s Los Angeles, Seawolf, Virginia and both Ohio class submarines with potential for other submarines.

Work that is expected to be completed by September 2017 will be carried out by Lockheed in Manassas, Virginia.