German Navy frigate to return to war against Daesh


The German Navy will, once again, send the Bremen-class frigate Augsburg to support the French aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle in the fight against Daesh in Syria.

FGS Augsburg will be part of the carrier’s strike group which is in charge of ensuring the carrier operations are not interrupted by outside threats based on the „nothing comes close“ principle.

The anti-submarine warfare equipped frigate will leave her homeport at the end of August to join the group.

This will be the second time Augsburg is taking part in the counter-terrorist operations. The 3200-man strong crew of the frigate was part of the FS Charles de Gaulle strike group between December 6, 2015 and March 12, 2016.

During their previous mission, French aircraft conducted 23 reconnaissance flights while Dassault Rafale fighter jets performed an overall of 370 sorties. The group carried out a total of 80 airstrikes against Daesh positions from the Gulf from November 2015 to March 2016.