Future USS Detroit (LCS 7) finishes acceptance trials


Future USS Detroit (LCS 7) successfully concluded its acceptance trial July 15 after completing a series of graded in-port and underway demonstrations for the Navy’s Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV).

The acceptance trial is the last significant milestone before delivery of the ship to the Navy, which is planned for this fall. During the trial, the Navy conducted comprehensive tests of the littoral combat ship (LCS) intended to demonstrate the performance of the propulsion plant, shiphandling and auxiliary systems. While underway, the ship successfully performed launch and recovery operations of the 11-meter rigid hull inflatable boat, conducted surface and air self-defense detect-to-engage exercises, and demonstrated the ship’s maneuverability.

“Another thorough trial by the Board of Inspection and Survey, and another ship with improved scores and at a lower cost than her predecessor,” said LCS Program Manager Capt. Tom Anderson. “Detroit’s performance during acceptance trial is a testament to the hard work of the Marinette workforce. I look forward to placing the ship in the capable hands of her crew later this summer.”

Following delivery and commissioning in its namesake city of Detroit, LCS 7 will sail to California to be homeported in San Diego with sister ships USS Freedom (LCS 1), USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) and USS Milwaukee (LCS 5).

Several more Freedom variants are under construction at Fincantieri Marinette Marine Corporation in Marinette, Wisconsin. Future USS Little Rock (LCS 9) is preparing for builder’s trials. Christened in January, future USS Sioux City (LCS 11) is currently conducting system testing in preparation for trials in 2017. Future USS Wichita (LCS 13) is preparing for launch in the fall. Meanwhile future USS Billings (LCS 15) laid her keel in November 2015 and sister ship future USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) started fabrication in August 2015 and laid her keel in July. Additional ships in the pre-production phase include future USS St. Louis (LCS 19), future USS Minneapolis/St. Paul (LCS 21), future USS Cooperstown (LCS 23) and to-be-named future LCS 25.

Designed and built by two industry teams, the LCS class consists of the Freedom variant led by Lockheed Martin, and the Independence variant led by Austal USA for LCS 6 and follow-on even-numbered hulls; General Dynamics Bath Iron Works led on LCS 2 and LCS 4. Thirteen ships are under construction, purchased as part of the Navy’s innovative block-buy acquisition strategy.

LCS is a modular, reconfigurable ship, with three types of mission packages including surface warfare, mine countermeasures, and anti-submarine warfare. The Program Executive Office for Littoral Combat Ships (PEO LCS) is responsible for delivering and sustaining littoral mission capabilities to the fleet.