RFA Wave Knight on patrol duties in the Caribbean


After taking over the Atlantic patrol tasking (North) from from the Royal Navy patrol vessel HMS Mersey, RFA Wave Knight has begun her duties of reassuring the overseas territories and if required, providing humanitarian and disaster relief during the hurricane season.

Wave Knight’s first port of call was Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.

The ship hosted several VIP’s and dignitaries in addition to sailing with four Dominican Naval Officers, the Defence Attached Lt Col Patrick Brown and his family on board.

During the passage from Santo Domingo to Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands, the ship’s guests were treated to tours of the ship, engine room and hangar and enjoyed seeing how Wave Knight operates at sea.

The familiarisation flights in the ship’s embarked Lynx MK8 helicopter were a highlight for everyone.

Upon arrival at Grand Turk, Wave Knight gave tours of the ship to the groups of Scouts, Brownies and Guides before holding an evening reception on board for 112 guests from the island.

The Commanding Officer, Captain Peter Selby RFA said “ It was good to be able to offer the opportunity to the Dominican Republic Navy and to carry 4 of their officers from Santo Domingo to Grand Turk.

“During their passage they got to understand how a large ship is operated and showed at first hand our combined desire to work more closely in the future.

“Especially in the areas of counter-narcotics and people smuggling.”