Operation Atalanta flagship hosts Somali Deputy Prime Minister


During FGS Bayern’s recent port visit to Djibouti, Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Rear Admiral Kaack, welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Omar Arte, on board.

It was the first time that the Deputy Prime Minister has visited the German warship and he was received on board with full military honours.

Following a guided tour of the ship by FGS Bayern’s commanding officer, Commander Markus Brüggemeier, Rear Admiral Kaack gave a briefing about the EU Naval Force’s continuing efforts to deter and disrupt piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean to ensure seafarers remain safe.

Speaking about the meeting, Rear Admiral Kaack said: “Today’s visit by the Deputy Prime Minister has been an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the EU’s commitment to Somalia and Operation Atalanta’s continuing success in ensuring pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia remain suppressed.”