Canadian submarine takes part in NATO exercise despite earlier engine breakdown


Even though Her Majesty’s Canadian Submarine (HMCS) Windsor had to return to port after its engine supercharger broke down on June 3, the submarine still made it to the NATO anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2016.

While the submarine may have been a bit late to arrive, Rear-Adm. John Newton, commander of Canadian Maritime Forces Atlantic, told media that most of the boat’s planned program would be recovered.


The 10-day exercise, running from June 23 to July 2 in the Norwegian Sea, is attended by 3,000 sailors and aircrew from eight allied countries, including Canada, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The focus of the exercise is on detecting and defending against submarines. During the exercise, the submarines travel from one location to another while surface vessels try to track them down and simulate an attack. The surface units will also have to travel between two transit points while under the threat of submarines.

“Submarines are the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN’s) ultimate war fighting capability and an essential component of a balanced combat-effective navy,” said Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd, Commander of the RCN.

“Canada, with the largest maritime estate in the world, has interests well beyond our borders and continent, and should have tools that can declare exclusive control over a body of water at specific intervals, which is what submarine does. During this exercise, HMCS Windsor is proving once again the value of submarines and the capabilities of Canada’s Victoria Class.”

According to the Royal Canadian Navy, HMCS Windsor last year logged nearly 200 days at sea and is on track to do the same for 2016.