Australian sail training ship completes development program


Royal Australian Navy sail training ship Young Endeavour arrived at Gladstone on 26 June, completing the eleven day Young Endeavour Youth Development Program.

Crewed by 24 youth from across Australia, the square-rigged tall ship has sailed along the Queensland coast from Brisbane.

The voyage is a part of the tall ship’s 2016 Circumnavigation of Australia, which began in Sydney in late May.

From Gladstone, Young Endeavour will sail north around Cape York and across the Top End, visiting the ports of Airlie Beach, Cairns, Gove, Darwin and Broome before sailing down the west coast, returning to Sydney in early 2017.

During each voyage youth crew spend approximately five nights under sail at sea and five nights at anchor, covering an average of 750 kilometres and actively participating in approximately 80 hours of ship watch keeping.

They also undertake general sail handling, working aloft and deck duties as well as routine rounds, helm and navigation activities, maintaining look‑out and assisting the chef.

Since 1988, the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme, in partnership with the Royal Australian Navy, has provided challenging training voyages for over 12,500 young Australians onboard the tall ship Young Endeavour.

These voyages provide young people with a unique, challenging and inspirational experience that increases self-awareness, develops teamwork and leadership skills and creates a strong sense of community responsibility.