HMAS Adelaide sailors exercise Freedom of Entry


More than 300 Australian Defence Force members assigned to HMAS Adelaide have marched through the City of Adelaide, exercising their Freedom of Entry.

The time honoured tradition coincides with the first port visit to Adelaide by the Navy’s latest and largest warship, the amphibious ship, HMAS Adelaide III.

Commanding Officer Captain Paul Mandziy said the march was the culmination of two year’s hard work and a great source of pride.

“To say we have been anticipating this moment is an understatement,” Captain Mandziy said.

“As well as being one of two of the largest ships in the fleet, Adelaide is also one of the most sophisticated and capable.

“We are the third ship to carry the name Adelaide, with both our predecessors serving with great distinction in the Second World War and the Persian Gulf respectively.”

Joined by members of the Royal Australian Navy Band, the ship’s company marched down King William Street. The parade was challenged by the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, The Right Honourable Mr Martin Haese, at the Adelaide Town Hall with the Freedom of Entry heartily granted.

The tradition of Freedom of Entry originates in medieval times, when a city would show its trust in a group of men-at-arms by allowing them to enter their walls without being disarmed. Nowadays the right of Freedom of Entry is a symbolic mark of honour and support from a city to a military unit.

HMAS Adelaide III, the second of two Canberra class amphibious ships and the largest ever built for the Royal Australian Navy was commissioned on 4 December 2015.

The last visit by a frigate, HMAS Adelaide II, took place in November 2007, including exercising Freedom of Entry. She decommissioned in January 2008.