NATO search and rescue drill Dynamic Mercy 2016 concludes


NATO’s large scale search and rescue exercise Dynamic Mercy 2016 finished last week after almost two months of diverse training.

The exercise was broken in 12 different aeronautical and maritime training scenarios this year.

In total, 15 Rescue Coordination Centres from nine NATO countries with adjacent search and rescue regions participated.

Dynamic Mercy is an annual, combined and joint search and rescue exercise coordinated by NATO and open to NATO partners and conducted in an area extending from the east coast of Canada to the eastern Baltic Sea. On alternate years it focuses between the Atlantic and the Baltic.

This exercise worked to practice effective communication and cooperation across the many maritime and air Rescue Coordination Centres, Search and Rescue units (either civilian or military) around the Atlantic and Baltic Sea boundaries and borders.

Surface units, helicopters and aircraft from Coast Guards, Navies, Air Forces along with some civilian agencies like the air navigation service providers (Isavia, Naviair, Avinor), Airlines (Atlantic Airways), petroleum offshore companies (ConocoPhillips ) contributed to this year’s exercise as well.

“Dynamic Mercy is an important exercise for us since it allows to work side by side with rescue coordination centres, SAR units, civilian agencies and companies from several different countries in different regions,” said Captain Colin Walsh, Chief of Staff NATO Marair. “Our oversight and coordination ensured a consolidated effort in Search and Rescue, contributing to a better understanding of a complex environment due to the multiple actors involved.”