Australia’s DST, Raytheon to collaborate on defense technologies


Australian Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) and Raytheon Australia signed a strategic alliance to strengthen collaboration on defense technologies, the Australian Department of Defence announced June 8.

The agreement was signed by the Chief Defence Scientist, Alex Zelinsky and Michael Ward, Managing Director of Raytheon Australia during DST’s Partnership Week activities in Melbourne.

The new alliance will see both organisations collaborate in strategically significant research areas such as cyber/electronic warfare systems, hypersonics, naval combat systems, underwater systems, operational analysis and quantum technology.

Naval combat systems analysis has been selected as the first research topic to be developed into an interactive project agreement under the alliance.

“The agreement with Raytheon marks the 14th such alliance we have now signed with our strategic partners in industry and the research sector. I welcome this partnership,” Zelinsky said.

Michael Ward said: “Raytheon Australia is pleased to commit to this new strategic alliance with the Defence Science and Technology Group. We look forward to building innovation with DST Group, drawing on our extensive experience as a combat systems integrator and our trusted partnerships with industry, government and also educational institutions.”

The alliance allows for a range of research interactions, including exchange of information, separate agreements on interactive projects, staff secondments and access to each other’s facilities and equipment.