Kongsberg to deliver subsea technology for Peruvian Navy’s ‘BAP Carasco’


Norwegian technology corporation Kongsberg Maritime has been chosen to deliver an integrated subsea technology systems package including two HUGIN Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) for a new Peruvian Navy Hydrographic & Oceanographic research vessel.

The 97 metre ‘BAP Carrasco’ is built at Construcciones Navales P. Freire shipyard in Vigo, Spain.

The advanced new research ship will have Polar capability and be classified with PC7 notation to perform research in Peruvian waters, in order to fulfil Peru’s commitment under the Antarctic Treaty.

The Kongsberg technology on board will form the platform for the Peruvian Navy to perform missions within hydrography, oceanology, geology, biology and geophysics.

Following the launch of BAP Carrasco in Vigo on May 7, 2016, Kongsberg will deliver the equipment in collaboration with Robinson Marine Electronics in Callao, Peru and Simrad Spain SI.

Kongsberg will be providing the vessel with an EM122 1ºx1º deepwater multibeam echo sounder and an EA600 12,38 & 200 kHz single beam echo sounder for hydrographic missions. BAP Carrasco will further be equipped with an SBP 120 3º Sub-bottom Profiler and a Simrad EK80 18, 38, 70, 120 & 200 kHz scientific single beam multi-frequency echo sounder.

Two HUGIN AUV with hydrographic, geology and geophysics configuration for high resolution survey depth rated to 3,000 meters will be used for enhanced medium water operations.

All technology on BAP Carrasco will be fully integrated, the Norwegian company said.

To ensure optimal performance in all conditions, Kongsberg will manage the proper installation of the acoustic transducers for ice water operations and the integration of various sub-systems including the K-Sync synchronisation unit, an advanced Position, Heading and Motion reference system and the MDM500 Marine Data Management system.