Royal Fleet Auxiliary Cardigan Bay joins NATO SNMG 2


Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Cardigan Bay on May 18 joined NATO’s Standing Maritime Group (SNMG 2) sailing in Southern European waters.

The Bay-class landing ship deck auxiliary is 176.6 m long and a displaces about 16,000 t. It has the capability to operate several types of helicopters and is equipped with small rafts for shallow water operations.

Cardigan Bay replaces RFA Fort Victoria, which has been in the force for about one month.

Launched by BAE Systems in 2005 Cardigan Bay was the first ship of her class to join the RFA as she entered service in 2006.

SNMG 2 is lead by the German Navy Rear Admiral Jörg Klein from the flagship of the group, FGS Bonn. Other ships contributing to the group are the Greek frigate HS Spetsai, Turkish TCG Gokova and Dutch Navy frigate HNLMS Van Amstel.