Most Read News, Sep 28 – Oct 4, 2015
Gallery: HMS Erebus in Clear View
For the first time, HMS Erebus is seen in its entirety without the help of multibeam sonar technology, 30 metres from bow to stern, in her final resting place in clear Arctic waters.
As Mission Erebus and Terror 2015 comes to a close, Parks Canada has released never-before seen photos taken during the expedition.
Largest British Warships to Lead Cougar 15
Two of the Royal Navy’s largest warships have set sail from Plymouth to lead the Royal Navy’s Cougar 15 Deployment.
Indian Navy’s New Warship to Join the Fleet
Indian Navy’s largest made warship Kochi will join the fleet tomorrow, September 30, in a ceremony at Naval Dockyard, Mumbai.
Last of the RFA Leaf Class Tankers to Retire
The last of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Leaf Class support tankers is to leave the Service on Wednesday (30 September).
Last Oliver Hazard Perry Frigate Decommissions
For the first time in almost 38 years, there will be no Oliver Hazard Perry (OHP) Frigate on the fleet rolls of the United States Navy. The USS Simpson (FFG 56) was decommissioned in her homeport of Mayport, Florida, Sept. 29, and represented the last frigate in the Navy’s inventory.