USNS Spearhead Hosts US Ambassador to Angola


Helen La Lime, U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Angola, delivered remarks during an embassy visit aboard the Military Sealift Command’s joint high-speed vessel USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) as part of Africa Partnership Station, on March 4, 2015.

During the event, La Lime spoke of the importance of Africa Partnership Station, a collaborative capacity-building program in which U.S. forces train with African partner nation’s maritime forces in order to increase interoperability and enforce international maritime law.

Helen La Lime, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Angola, said:

This [Africa Partnership Station] training is not only helping to reinforce important technical skills, but is also improving cooperation and strengthening relationships between our Navies in this truly team endeavor.

Africa Partnership Station is the mechanism by which international maritime forces, the “Global Network of Navies”, share professional skills, knowledge and experience to enhance collective efforts to combat sea-borne illicit activity.

Image: US Navy