EUNAVFOR Croatian Maritime Team Awarded Operation Atalanta Medal


On Wednesday 4 March 2015 the EU Naval Force Croatian maritime team, which has been embarked on World Food Programme (WFP) vessel, MSM Douro, to protect it from pirate attack as it sailed along the Somali coast, has been awarded the Operation Atalanta medal for their outstanding efforts.

The Croatian maritime team, which is known as an Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment, or AVPD, has served with Operation Atalanta since December 2014.  As a result they were eligible for the EU Common Security and Defence Policy medal, which was presented by the Force Commander of EU Naval Force, Rear Admiral Haggren.

Before departing MSM Douro to return to the EU Naval Force flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, Rear Admiral Haggren presented an EU Naval Force crest to the vessel’s master as a token of gratitude for his crew’s support to the WFP and EU Naval Force.

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