Australian Navy Chooses New Regional Manager of Fleet Support Unit–West


Australian Navy’s Fleet Support Unit–West at HMAS Stirling said goodbye to a stalwart and welcomed a new face on 17 December.

After an illustrious forty year career Lieutenant Commander Greg Church retired from the Permanent Naval Force which initiated the change in management.

Lieutenant Commander Church served on several HMA Ships including Westralia, Swan, Torrens, Stuart and Derwent. He also represented the Royal Australian Navy in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, for two years which was a hectic and challenging posting.

The new Regional Manager of Fleet Support Unit–West is Lieutenant Commander Mark Janiszewski, who was most recently posted to the support organisation for the Anzac frigate fleet. Lieutenant Commander Janiszewski has also seen service in HMA Ships Warramunga, Manoora and Ballarat, which will hold in good stead for his role at Fleet Support Unit–West.

Image: Australian Navy