MARCOM Commander Visits Swedish Navy


The Commander of NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM), Vice Admiral Peter Hudson CB CBE, paid an official visit to the Swedish Navy on Thursday, February 5, to discuss the security situation in the Baltic Sea and areas of cooperation between NATO and the partner nation.

During the visit, Vice Admiral Hudson met with Rear Admiral Thornqvist, Chief of Staff of the Swedish Navy, and with Rear Admiral Grenstad, Deputy Commander Operations Armed Forces Headquarters.

Vice Admiral Hudson also received a tour of the 4th Naval Warfare Flotilla’s Maritime Operations Center, as well as the corvette HSwMS HELSINGBORG and minehunter HSwMS KOSTER.

During 2014, the Swedish Navy participated in the NATO submarine rescue exercise DYNAMIC MONARCH, with the submarine rescue support ship HSwMS BELOS enabling the deployment of the NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS), and the submarine HSwMS HALLAND mating with NSRS. Later that year, the Swedish navy also provided participants to the maritime component of the NATO exercise NOBLE JUSTIFICATION. Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group ONE (SNMCMG1) also visited Karlskrona Naval Base during 2014.

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