Canadian Navy’s Mine-Countermeasures ROV Finishes Refit

Equipment & technology

The Canadian Navy’s Mine-Countermeasures (MCM) Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is ready to be returned to the customer after its recent refit by International Submarine Engineering Ltd.

TrailBlazer, a 25 HP vehicle, has been in operation with the Canadian Navy since 1995. TrailBlazer 25 is within a non-expendible family of ISE MCM ROVs that are capable of detecting long or short tethered mines as well as bottom mines. It is the only MCM ROV capable of breakouts, utilizing the streamlined ROV at high speed, and is also equipped with a mini 5- function manipulator and a cable cutting tool, well suited for its compact frame.

The configuration of this quick performing ROV is streamlined, which makes transporting and facilitating its component also a quick and easy procedure.

TrailBlazer 25 MCM ROV has proven its usefulness and continues to be a critical component in the CN’s list of MCM equipment. The system provides a fully functional, transportable option for the Canada’s Navy, ready for service when required.

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Image: ISE