HMS Dauntless Supports CMF Organisation


HMS Dauntless, Type 45 destroyer, which arrived in the Middle East just weeks ago, has already demonstrated the UK’s commitment to the security and safety of the region, providing vital support to the 30 nation Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) organisation.

The Portsmouth-based ship joined Australian oil tanker HMAS Success, the US Navy’s destroyer USS Dewey, patrol boat USS Firebolt and the US Coast Guard Cutter Maui in CMF’s counter-terrorism and maritime security task force, Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150).

Almost as soon as they joined CTF-150, HMS Dauntless was tasked to sail in formation with the other ships in the Task Force to test their navigating skills and communication abilities.

Commander Adrian Fryer Royal Navy, Commanding Officer of HMS Dauntless, said:

Exercises like these develop the core communication and manoeuvring skills that we use in high threat environments, allowing us to protect other ships in the group with our highly capable Sea Viper missile system.

Maritime security operations form a key element of the UK’s commitment to the Middle East, a region which includes three of the world’s six maritime chokepoints.

HMS Dauntless will contribute to this mission, identifying suspicious behaviour or finding vessels known to be acting illegally.

Through a highly-trained team of specialists, the ship will compile a detailed ‘Surface Picture’ to keep track of vessels in the area.

The Portsmouth-based destroyer is deployed to the Middle East in support of the Bahrain-based UK Maritime Component Commander.

Image: Royal Navy