Australian, US Navies Conduct Boarding Op


Australian Navy’s HMAS Success has displayed the ongoing co-operation necessary amongst the nations of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), conducting a boarding operation in the Middle East Region with the help Arleigh-Burke class destroyer USS Dewey.

On 17 January, Success identified a suspicious vessel through its embarked Seahawk helicopter and subsequently tasked a Boarding Team to verify the Dhow’s nationality.

With further suspicious characteristics identified, a more thorough search for possible illicit substances was determined and USS Dewey was sent to assist Success by providing Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) support to the boarding operation.

Commanding Officer of Success, Captain Justin Jones said the Royal Australian Navy, US Navy and US Coast Guard have always maintained a strong working relationship in the operational environment.

Narcotic smuggling has been linked to funding terrorist activities and while no narcotics were found onboard the vessel, the boarding operation proved to be an important learning experience for Success’ Boarding Team and an example of coalition navies working together.

Image: Australian Government