US Naval Sea Cadets Join USS Russell’s Crew


A group of 12 U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, ranging from 12 to 17 years old, joined the crew of USS Russell (DDG 59) to experience life aboard an active Navy warship, Nov. 14-17.

Being escorted by Chief Hospital Corpsman (Retired) Kris Reyes of the Fresno Battalion of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, the students started their first day with a tour of the Russell, followed by small arms instruction, a Combat Information Center simulation, and an engineering plant tour.

Hands-on medical emergency training, damage control training, and “mock take-down” training rounded out the day. On Sunday, the cadets assisted with sanding and painting the aft SPY array bulkhead and railings. In addition to Russell, the crews of both USS Somerset (LPD 25) and USS Freedom (LCS 1) gave tours of their respective ships, exposing the cadets to a wide range of ship types and naval missions.

Russell Command Master Chief Glenn Hurdle then escorted the cadets on a tour of USS Albuquerque (SSN 706), where they learned about life on a submarine.
The final day included additional damage control instruction and a torpedo tube demonstration.

Image: US Navy