Almirante Juan de Borbón Trains in Sea Breeze


Almirante Juan de Borbón Trains in Sea Breeze

The Spanish Navy’s frigate ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’, integrated into SNMG-2 (Standing NATO Maritime Group 2), is currently deployed in the Black Sea participating in exercise ‘Sea Breeze’ along with other naval units from the Ukraine and other coastal states.


The exercise has been programmed taking the opportunity provided by the presence of this Allied Maritime Group in the Black Sea.

The Spanish frigate has taken part in all the training exercises including surface, anti-air and anti-submarine warfare drills. Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) were also organized with VBSS (Visit, Board, Search & Seizure) squads boarding other warships operating as simulated merchant ships.

For the air-defense exercises, the Romanian Air Force participated with two MIG-21 fighters. It was a great opportunity to test the weapon systems of the participating naval units.

The frigate ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ has been deployed in the Black Sea since the beginning of September, and will be part of the SNMG-2 until December when she is scheduled to return to her home port in Ferrol.

Press Release, September 24, 2014; Image: Spanish Navy