SNMG2 TU02 Pays Visit to Constanta, Romania


SNMG2 TU02 Pays Visit to Constanta, Romania

Last weekend under the banner of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) Task Unit 02 (TU02), HMCS Toronto, ESPS Almirante Juan de Borbon and ROS Regele Ferdinand have completed their 4 days visit to Constanta, Romania.


The port visit served to reaffirm the Alliance’s commitment to maritime defence and security and reassure Black Sea NATO Allies.

“Our ships were honoured and humbled to be a part of NATO’s maritime visit to the historic city as Constanta, Romania,” said Commander Jason Armstrong, Commanding Officer of HMCS TORONTO and Commander of SNMG2 Task Unit 02 (SNMG2 TU02). “Our presence here serves to reaffirm NATO’s strong support and commitment to Alliance solidarity.”

HMCS Toronto hosted a reception for honoured guests, including Romanian government and military officials and invited media, as well as participating in community relations events like a hockey game between the ship’s company and a local professional team, taking in the Romanian Naval Museum and visiting historic landmarks, such as Bram Castle in Transylvania. The port visit initiates the following week’s maritime patrols and exercises between participating nations that will increase the interoperability, flexibility and understanding amongst NATO and partner nations.

Press Release, September 17, 2014; Image: NATO