RFA Cardigan Bay, HMS Shoreham Test Capabilities


RFA Cardigan Bay, HMS Shoreham Test Capabilities

UK Navy’s Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship, Cardigan Bay, and the minehunter, HMS Shoreham, have rendezvoused to test their capability to safely raft – or tie up alongside – in order for the smaller ship to replenish and therefore stay at sea for a prolonged period of time.


Shoreham is deployed as part of the UK Mine Counter-Measures (MCM) force, based in Bahrain, while RFA Cardigan Bay is their ‘Afloat Forward Support Base’.

Leading Diver Scott Dooley, who was in charge of the forecastle of Shoreham for the serial, said: “Although it was just a bit hotter than the West Coast of Scotland, this exercise was very much like the training we did with RFA Lyme Bay during Exercise Joint Warrior off the Scottish coast back in April.

“We were very impressed with the crew of Cardigan Bay who are clearly a very professional and experienced team.”

Despite the difficult weather conditions, Shoreham was fully restocked and underway again in short order, conducting her key role in the Gulf – ensuring freedom of navigation for the region’s vital sea traffic.

Press Release, September 17, 2014; Image: UK Navy