PACT Provides Unique Career Opportunities for Sailors


PACT Provides Unique Career Opportunities for Sailors

The Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) program provides unique career opportunities for some first-term Sailors through apprentice-level formal and on-the-job training within a 24-month period.


The main purpose of PACT is to provide Sailors who are unsure about which Navy career fields interest them an opportunity to learn about different Navy jobs without having to make a decision at the time of enlistment. The PACT program has three apprentice tracks encompassing career fields within aviation (A-PACT), engineering (E-PACT) and surface (S-PACT).

“PACT places the Sailor in a better position to choose from a variety of ratings and gives them a chance to see a rating in its entirety,” said Chief Navy Counselor (SW/EXW/AW) Jesse Reed, Navy Personnel Command Force career counselor. “The Sailor is provided an opportunity to learn more about a particular rate in order to better make a decision about what path they would like to follow.”

Soon after checking aboard their first command, PACT Sailors will meet with their command career counselor and immediate chain of command to discuss personal and professional goals. They will also discuss rating or job eligibility for potential ratings via the Career Waypoint (C-WAY) system, conduct required Career Development Boards (CDB), PACT designation quotas, and potential time-in-rate eligibility for participation in the Navywide advancement exams.

“It is detrimental to the Sailor if commands are not engaging with the progression of their PACT designated Sailors,” added Reed.

PACT Sailors who are not designated into a specific rating within 12-months on board their first duty station may apply for an available Navy “A” school quota provided that they have maintained PACT program and “A” school eligibility. If a Sailor has not received a quota into a new rating within the original 24-month window, their projected rotation date will extend to their end of active obligated service. If they don’t pick up a rating by their EAOS, they will be separated.

Press Release, August 19, 2014; Image: US Navy