US Navy’s Personnel System Gets Modernized


US Navy's Personnel System Gets Modernized

The Sea Warrior Program (PEO EIS PMW 240) awarded a $96 million indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract June 11 to SRA International, Inc. for the support, sustainment, upgrades, and modernization of personnel systems under the US Navy’s Integrated Personnel and Pay System (IPPS) strategy.


This Personnel Modernization (Pers Mod) contract award directly supports the Navy strategy to modernize, consolidate and retire legacy systems. The first major modernization will integrate and streamline the retirement and separation business processes for both officers and enlisted personnel.

“This contract is a landmark event that will allow the Navy to improve capabilities that support our military, improving their ability to manage their personnel data, ensuring the data is accurate, and reducing administrative distractions,” said PMW 240 Program Manager Laura Knight.

In the current retirement and separation process, service members and personnel administrators perform a number of manual activities within multiple non-integrated systems. This results in data entry discrepancies, an inability to track requests, and an overall inefficient and challenging process. In addition, requests are often delayed due to the number of errors within the manual inputs currently required.

The contract will enable PMW 240 to start incrementally consolidating four legacy systems Reserve Headquarters Support (RHS), Navy Enlisted System (NES), Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS), Inactive Manpower and Personnel Management Information System (IMAPMIS), into Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) improving personnel data integrity. RHS will be the first consolidation.

This first modernization effort provides an automated personnel retirements and separations process for officers and enlisted service members serving in the active and Reserve components – starting with the submitting of an initial retirement or separation inquiry and ending with strength loss processing and submission of documentation to trigger final pay transactions. Pers Mod will save the Navy millions of dollars a year processing retirements and separations by decreasing average processing time, increasing service member accessibility, reducing data errors and manual data entry requirements, and improving request visibility, tracking, and reporting.

Knight concludes, “PMW 240 has a strategy in place to support Navy transformation to a modern and fully automated system capability enabling our Sailors a self-service environment. This contract award is a big step forward to achieve that strategy.”


Press Release, August 14, 2014; Image: US Navy