REGULUS Proves to Be a Success


REGULUS Proves to Be a Success

REGULUS was created with the idea that sailors from the Royal Canadian Navy could expand their horizons and learn new skills in their trade by having the opportunity to serve aboard foreign naval vessels. Over 100 participants later, the results are unanimous – REGULUS has been a rousing success.


With sailors from both coasts participating aboard vessels from eleven different navies, this initiative continues to exceed its main objective.

Sailing aboard French vessels BPC MISTRAL and FLF LA FAYETTE, Sub-Lieutenant Francois Belanger has experienced what most junior officers can only dream about. Working with representatives from NATO and allied countries, in addition to visiting exotic ports in Senegal, Brazil and the Ivory Coast and others, has helped develop him into a well-traveled Maritime Surface and Subsurface Officer.

“My time on REGULUS has been a continuous series of unique and insightful experiences. Professionally it has allowed me to continue gaining knowledge about several branches of warfare, and apply it to watches on the bridge and/or in the operations room,” said Sub-Lieutenant Belanger.

Aside from exposing junior personnel to a world outside the hulls of the Royal Canadian Navy REGULUS has allowed senior trades personnel an opportunity to broaden their horizons as well. Leading Seaman Justin Taylor, a Naval Communicator, was afforded the occasion to serve with the Royal New Zealand Navy and found that the training that he received at home allowed him to integrate seamlessly into his new position.

“REGULUS was a very rewarding experience. In my trade procedures are mostly universal, making it easy to integrate into a new department regardless of the Navy I’m serving. It is mutually beneficial for both countries to have skilled personnel liaise with each other. We are able to explain differences in working culture and lessons learned in order to enhance both Navies understanding of operations,” commented Leading Seaman Justin Taylor.

As the REGULUS program continues to grow it will continue to afford junior personnel with exposure to new horizons, and offer senior personnel the chance to develop in their roles.

Press Release, June 23, 2014; Image: Canadian Navy