EU Navfor Trains with Tanzanian Professionals
During the recent port visit of the EU Naval Force Flagship FGS Brandenburg to Dar Es Salaam joint training was delivered by EUCAP Nestor and EU Naval Force to 31 Tanzanian professionals dealing with maritime safety and security.
Personnel from the Tanzanian Police and Navy were trained in two subjects as part of a Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) programme coordinated by EUCAP Nestor.
Firstly two hours of practical first aid training was delivered by the medical staff from the FGS Brandenburg. The attendees were trained how to treat fractures and to take care of unconscious patients.
This was followed by two hours of briefings and practical training on handling of evidence at a maritime crime scene, delivered by the on-board detachment of German military police. This included crime scene recovery and gathering fingerprints.
The Force Commander of EU Naval Force, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen, who is embarked on board the FGS Brandenburg underlined in his statement: “LMCB’s are an important measure to strengthen local capabilities and by this, support regional capacity building within the EU comprehensive approach.”
Both trainers and trainees praised the success of this LMCB and especially the enthusiastic approach by all participants.
The training took place in the Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute.
EUCAP Nestor is a civilian mission mandated to assist countries in the Horn of Africa and the Western Indian Ocean region to develop and enhance their own maritime security. The mission also aims to develop land-based coastal police forces and judicial capabilities in the region.
EU Naval Force deters, prevents and represses acts of piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia. EU Naval Force ships protect World Food Programme vessels delivering aid to Somalia and AMISOM shipping. EU Naval Force ships also contribute to the monitoring of fishing activity off the Somali Coast.
Press Release, May 12, 2014; Image: EU Navfor