FS Siroco Conducts Training with Seychelles Coast Guard

Training & Education

FS Siroco Conducts Training with Seychelles Coast Guard

During FS Siroco’s port visit to the Seychelles, 20 trainees from the Basic Training course for the Seychelles Coast Guard embarked for electronic navigation equipment training. The training was supported by staff from EUCAP Nestor.


The trainees received practical and theoretical instruction in how to use equipment such as GPS, radar, and gyro-compass.

Speaking about the training, the Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard, Lt Col Dine said “The training was extremely useful. It provided the trainees with hands-on instruction on how to handle essential navigation equipment. I am grateful to the EU Naval Force and EUCAP Nestor staff for their support.”

The Seychelles Coast Guard Basic Training Programme is a 27-week course. It has been developed by the Coast Guard and EUCAP Nestor and covers various aspects of maritime security and the Coast Guard functions.

EU Naval Force deters, prevents and represses acts of piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.EU Naval Force ships protect World Food Programme vessels delivering aid to Somalia and AMISOM shipping. EU Naval Force ships also contribute to the monitoring of fishing activity off the Somali Coast.

EUCAP Nestor is a civilian EU mission, under the so called Common Security and Defence Policy, mandated to assist countries of the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean develop their capacities and capabilities to ensure maritime security, in particular counter-piracy and maritime governance. Part of its mandate includes providing the countries in the region with essential light equipment.

Press Release, March 7, 2014, 2014; Image: EU Navfor