Vietnam’s First Kilo-Class Sub Bound for Final Destination

Vietnam's First Kilo-Class Sub Bound for Final Destination

Hanoi HQ 182, a 636 Varshavyanka-class submarine, built by Russia for Vietnam, has departed Singapore and headed for its final destination, the Cam Ranh port in Vietnam, where it will be delivered to Vietnam’s Navy, according to local media sources.

The kilo-class submarine is being transported from St Peterburg, Russia by a heavy-lift vessel Rolldock Sea since the beginning of November.

The vessel is accompanied by five shipbuilders from the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg, who will be in charge of putting the final touches on the submarine before it’s delivered to the Navy.

Delivery of Hanoi HQ 182 will be followed by two of her sister subs slated for completion and transport next year.

In 2009, Vietnam’s Defense Ministry ordered six Varshavyanka-class submarines due for delivery until 2016. Within the framework of a two-billion-dollar arrangement, Russia is also hired to ensure Vietnamese sailors are adequately trained to be able to operate the vessels.

The 3,100-ton submarines are described as almost undetectable when submerged. They boast of cutting-edge stealth technology and can engage targets both on land, surface and underwater.

The submarines are armed with Kalibr 3M54 cruise missiles and 533-mm torpedo tubes.

The kilo-class subs can reach a speed of 20 knots.

Naval Today Staff, December 31, 2013; Image: Shipspotting