Russia Takes Over Its First Yasen Sub

Russia Takes Over Its First Yasen Sub

The Severodvinsk, Russian Navy’s first Project 885M Yasen-class attack sub was officially accepted today by the Navy, RIA Novosti informs citing a defence official.

As reported, the delivery acceptance certificate was signed officially today at the Sevmash shipyard.

With keel laid in Sevmash shipyard in 1993, the submarine’s commissioning has been delayed on several occasions due to unspecified technical problems. Therefore, it took almost two decades to launch the vessel.

Severodvinsk will be followed by seven more sister submarines of the class.

First to join her will be the Kazan and the Novosibirsk, being constructed incorporating updated Project 885M Yasen-M design.

With a submerged displacement of 13,800 tons, Severodvinsk can reach a speed in excess of 30 knots.

The cutting-edge submarine, armed with 24 Oniks (SS-N-26) and Kalibr (SS-N-27) cruise missiles, encompasses a length of 119 meters and can dive to 600 meters.

This class is the first Russian submarine to be equipped with a spherical sonar, designated as Irtysh-Amfora. In addition, the class is said to be equipped with a fourth generation nuclear reactor, which has a 25-30 year core life and doesn’t have to be refueled.

The boat has a complement of 90 crew.

Naval Today Staff, December 30, 2013; Image: Wikimedia