Third Baynunah Corvette Delivered to UAE Navy

Third Baynunah Corvette Delivered to UAE Navy

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Navy took delivery of the third Baynunah corvette named Dhafra from the Abu Dhabi Shipbuilding Company (ADSB), writes UAE News Agency WAM. The corvette pertains to the largest warship construction programme in the region comprising six ships.

The 72-metre highly-advanced corvette of the class is intended to operate in various types of tasks and missions, such as coastal patrol and surveillance, helicopter operations, mine detection and avoidance, along with anti-air and anti-surface capabilities and peacetime patrols.

The corvette features a stealth-like superstructure and incorporates a helicopter landing deck and a hangar. The corvettes from the programme will be armed with anti-ship missiles, air-defence missiles and fitted with 3D surveillance, navigation and fire control radars as well as a multivendor electronic warfare suite.

The delivery ceremony was attended by Commander of the UAE Navy,Vice Admiral Ibrahim Salem Al Mushrekh, Chairman of ADSB Homaid Al Shammari and numerous high-level officers and dignitaries.

Naval Today Staff, December 26, 2013