Set Sail Aboard Tall Ship Young Endeavour (Australia)

Training & Education

Set Sail Aboard Tall Ship Young Endeavour

The ballot is now open for young Australians aged 16-23 to set sail for the voyage of a lifetime aboard the national Sail Training Ship Young Endeavour in 2014. A voyage in Young Endeavour is a unique experience and one which develops skills for life.

Successful applicants will join a crew of 24 youth from around Australia for an eleven day adventure at sea. They will set the sails, climb the mast, navigate using the ship’s charts and gain the confidence to take command, sailing Young Endeavour along the Australian coast.

Elspeth Mildren of Kergunyah, Victoria, was elected youth crew captain earlier this week and sailed Young Endeavour across Cook Strait in New Zealand.

”What a ride that was!” said Elspeth. “Our 24 hour command day was amazing – considering we all came together seven days ago with zero sail training and knowledge, to plan and execute this journey as successfully as we did was amazing”.

The youth development program delivered during each voyage builds self‑awareness, develops teamwork and leadership skills, and fosters a strong sense of community spirit.

Youth Crew are selected by ballot, and no sailing experience is required. Young Endeavour is operated by a professional Royal Australian Navy crew who ensure the highest standards of safety and care, and teach the youth crew everything they need to know to sail the ship.

18 year old Nicole Moran of Burnie, Tasmania, is also sailing Young Endeavour this week.

“If you had asked me a few months ago if I ever thought I would climb a (35m) mast I would have thought that you were crazy. Young Endeavour not only gives you the chance to do that, but also to develop your leadership skills, to build your confidence and to meet some pretty amazing people,” said Nicole.

“For me the best part about being on Young Endeavour is getting all these opportunities and being supported with all the decisions you make. I would recommend it to everyone”.

In 2014 voyages will depart from Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland. Travel assistance is available to applicants from Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Australian Navy, November 8, 2013