BAE Systems: Live Simulated Scenario Reveals Potential for Future Training

Training & Education

Live Simulated Scenario Reveals Potential for Future Training

A live complex training mission connected Typhoon pilots at RAF Leuchars with air and maritime assets across four sites in the UK in the first training mission simulation of its kind.

Live battlespace scenario

BAE Systems used their Dedicated Engineering Network (DEN) to link simulators across four UK locations in a live battlespace scenario. The Typhoon and Type 45 simulators were concurrent with the latest frontline operational standards for aircraft and ship, making this the first joint training demonstration in Europe where the training systems are fully concurrent with frontline operational platforms.

Real operators

Royal Navy and RAF operators performed a complex real-time mission scenario which saw four Typhoons conduct a swing role mission scenario, integrated with the PLEXYS AWACS E-3D Sentry emulation based at their New Malden facility and a Type 45 Destroyer simulation based at their Broad Oak site. PLEXSYS also provided the ASCOT system (Advanced Simulation Combat Operations Trainer) which was used to provide the battlespace environment, integrated within a mission scenario developed and managed by they, working in conjunction with the RAF.

Senior officials from all three services, the MOD and industry were invited to watch the mission unfold from their New Malden site, whilst others watched from their  Typhoon simulation facility at Warton, Lancashire.

The special glue

The DEN is a secure, high band width Wide Area Network which permanently connects assets together across many locations 24/7. The DEN acts as the glue to connect simulators and conduct various training scenarios in a synthetic environment from unclassified through to secret level.

Low cost complex mission training

The aim of the trial was to demonstrate their ability to provide effective training for complex, relevant mission scenarios using key air, land and maritime military assets, all at low cost.

Mike Dobson led the trials and said: “We’re really pleased with how it went. The most important thing is that it felt realistic to the participants. We hope that what we achieved through this trial today will allow us to develop the synthetic training environment further than ever before.”

Seamless integration

Air Commodore Gary Waterfall, Typhoon Force Commander attended the trial and said “Striking the right balance between live and synthetic training is of high priority to the Typhoon Force. What we have seen today is a seamless integration of air and sea assets in a synthetic environment. Proof that the technology exists today to train for tomorrow. “

Lieutenant Simon Holbrook, Type 45 Fighter Controller in the trial said: “It was hugely beneficial from my point of view. The interaction between the Type 45, E3-D and the four Typhoon simulators provided all the participants with a valuable opportunity to operate together efficiently and in a realistic scenario with all the benefits of simulated training. As an Instructor at the Royal Navy School of Fighter Control, I was impressed at how the exercise flowed given the different simulators contributing. We have already fed through some lessons learnt from interaction with the E3D Sentry and Typhoon.”

Further trials are planned over the next 18 months which will extend the mission scenario to include other simulation facilities across air, sea and land.

Press Release, November 07, 2013; Image: BAE Systems