ESPS Cantabria Makes New Friends

Training & Education

ESPS Cantabria Makes New Friends

When working in a completely different theatre of operations you have to expect the unexpected and this is something the Spanish crew on ESPS Cantabria have learnt during their most recent activities in Australian waters.

Not often have the Armada conducted exercises at sea with navies so far from home,  but during Exercise Triton Centenary 2013 – Part 1, Cantabria had the opportunity to conduct a Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with the Japanese JDS Makinami and work closely with the Malaysian KD Jebat.

Cantabria was also involved in RAS evolutions with more familiar navies including  the United States USS Chosin and the UK Royal Navy’s HMS Daring.

LCDR Victor Villar onboard Cantabria said the most spectacular day during Exercise Triton Centenary 2013 – Part 1 was when the 25 ships from 18 navies sailed in formation from Jervis Bay to Sydney.

“This was one of the highlights of Cantabria’s 2013 deployment with the Royal Australian Navy.”

“After participating in Exercise Triton Centenary – Part 1,  I can honestly say I have sailed with the majority of navies from around the world.”

“I know my colleagues in Spain will be a little jealous when I return home and tell them.”

“It should however be mentioned that even though the Spanish Armada has not been as active in the Pacific in recent times, our forefathers most certainly were.”

“During the 17th and 18th centuries Spanish sailors and mariners opened the main sea lines of communication between Asia and America, shaping the future of many Pacific nations. “

“One of the most prominent explorers was Luis Vaez de Torres, and we are now very familiar with his strait.”

After Exercise Triton Centenary – Part 1, Cantabria participated in the International Fleet Review 03- 11 October 2013 including the Fleet Entry on 4 October 2013 and Public Open Days 6 – 7 October 2013 at Garden Island, Sydney. Cantabria will now re-group with an number of warships to conduct maritime training activities under the auspices of Exercise Triton Centenary 2013 – Part 2.

Press Release, October 16, 2013; Image: Navy