Mabus: Investigation into Navy Yard Tragedy Imminent (USA)


 Investigation into Navy Yard Tragedy Imminent

Secretary of the U.S. Navy Ray Mabus announced Sept. 26 that the Navy will conduct an official investigation into the fatal shooting incident at the Washington Navy Yard Sept. 16.

Adm. John M. Richardson, Director Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, is designated as the investigating officer.

 “In the aftermath of the Sept. 16 tragedy at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters at the Washington Navy Yard, it is critical for the Navy to undertake a comprehensive, critical assessment of all factors leading up to or influencing this devastating event,” said Mabus. “This assessment must identify and address relevant deficiencies, if any, in Navy policies and procedures in order to ensure the continued safety and well-being of all Department of the Navy and contractor personnel.”

The investigation into the incident will address associated security, personnel, and contracting policies and practices, in an effort to identify any deficiencies in or noncompliance with applicable laws or regulations.

The report of findings will be submitted in November.

Press Release, September 27, 2013; Image: US Navy