FGS Niedersachsen Welcomes EU NAVFOR Force Commander Onboard

Training & Education

FGS Niedersachsen Welcomes EU NAVFOR Force Commander Onboard

On Friday 30 August, Commodore Peter Lenselink and members of his staff visited German frigate FGS Niedersachsen, which is currently part of the EU’s counter piracy task force off the coast of Somalia.

During his visit, Commodore Lenselink visited the different departments on board and met members of the ship’s staff. The Force Commander was given a briefing on the capabilities of the Bremen Class frigate and the German Boarding Team carried out a helicopter fast-roping demonstration.

Speaking during the visit, the Commanding Officer of FGS Niedersachsen, Commander Kurt Leonard said “Over the years, The Netherlands and Germany have had close relations as neighbours and our navies have worked together on many operational deployments. Therefore it is a particular pleasure of mine to welcome Commodore Lenselink on board FGS Niedersachsen, 6000 miles away from home. I very much welcome being part of the EU Naval Force, which is playing a significant role in helping to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia.

Commodore Lenselink stated “FGS Niedersachsen is a great asset of the EU Naval Force. Since she joined Operation Atalanta, her crew has carried out important tasks, including the safe escort of merchant ships that carry World Food Programme (WFP) aid into Somalia for its people.”

FGS Niedersachsen joined the EU Naval Force at the beginning of August 2013.

Press Release, September 03, 2013; Image: EU Navfor