Turkey: ADIK Shipyard Launches LCT Project on Time


ADIK Shipyard Launches LCT Project on Time

On August 29th 2013, the last ship of the LCT (Landing Craft Tank) Project TCG Ç-158 constructed by Turkish Anadolu Shipyard(ADIK) left ADİK bay.

 ”Having realized the final delivery of TCG Ç-158 on August 28th 2013 after 12 months of warranty period, considering the shipyard’s first experience on a Navy project, we are feeling very proud of achieving “on time” deliveries of the entire project as scheduled in its calendar,”Cevat R. Atilhan, ADIK’s Production Manager of Navy Projects said in a release.

”In this respect, I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone involved in the Project, but especially to all my team members who have worked day and night, thus establishing a trustworthy relation with the SSM Office, Turkish Navy Forces committees and the ships’ staff,” he further added.

Press Release, August 30, 2013; Image: Navy