HNLMS Johan de Witt Hosts Senior Maritime Security Course

Training & Education

HNLMS Johan de Witt Hosts Senior Maritime Security Course

Between 18 – 26 August 2013, EUCAP NESTOR organised a senior maritime security course for fourteen participants from the Horn of Africa region, on board EU Naval Force flagship HNLMS Johan de Witt.

On 18 August the fourteen participants embarked HNLMS Johan de Witt in Djibouti and during the week long course, the Dutch warship sailed out in to the Gulf of Aden and provided a platform in support of the EUCAP Nestor maritime security training programme. The course participants disembarked back to Djibouti on Monday 26 August.

The course focused on enhancing personal leadership skills and the participants’ knowledge of the legal and operational aspects of maritime security. In addition to traditional teaching methods, the course also focused on individual skills, knowledge and experience through case studies, group work and practical exercises.

The close cooperation between EUCAP Nestor and EU Naval Force in organizing the course on board the flagship ensured that the theoretical teachings were further enhanced by practical sessions. This cooperation between the two EU missions for Somalia is part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to the region.

Speaking about the course, the EUCAP Nestor Head of Mission, Mr Etienne de Poncins, stated ‘I trust that upon their return to shore, participants will be better equipped to be able to contribute to shaping and implementing a maritime security system in Somalia’.

EUCAP Nestor is a civilian led European Union mission aimed at enhancing maritime capacities of countries off the Horn of Africa and the Western Indian Ocean.

EU Naval Force deters, prevents and represses acts of piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia. EU Naval Force ships protect World Food Programme vessels delivering aid to Somalia and AMISOM shipping. EU Naval Force ships also contribute to the monitoring of fishing activity off the Somali Coast.

Press Release, August 28, 2013; Image: Navy