USA: NMCRS Holds Active Duty Fund Drive Awareness Event

Training & Education

NMCRS Holds Active Duty Fund Drive Awareness Event

The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) held an Active Duty Fund Drive Awareness Event at the Pentagon April 23.

The goal of the event was to provide Sailors and Marines with information about NMCRS and the programs they offer.

“We wanted to raise awareness about the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society and educate Sailors and Marines about the different programs and services offered,” said Rama Latin, the Charitable Campaigns Administrator for the National Capital Region.

NMCRS is a volunteer program that began in 1904 and offers financial assistance to Sailors and Marines.

“The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society provides Sailors and Marines with services and programs that are in need of assistance,” said Latin. “Some of the programs and services that are offered are the Budget for Baby Program, interest free loans and grants, and the Combat Casualty Assistance Visiting Nurse Program.”

In 2012 the NMCRS provided more than 63,000 clients with financial assistance.

“I never thought I would use the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society but they were there when I needed them,” said Chief Petty Officer Eric Peters, the Leading Chief Petty Officer for the Chairman Dining Facility for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “I highly recommend Sailors and Marines who are need of assistance to go to the NMCRS.”

Peters added that the NMCRS is one of the best resources for supervisors.

“The NMCRS is one of the best tools in a supervisor’s pocket because helping Sailors and Marines is their only job,” said Peters. “That’s what they are there for, to provide Sailors and Marines with assistance when they need it.”

NMCRS’s fund drive is scheduled to run until April 30.

The mission of NMCRS is to provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational and other assistance to members of the naval services of the United States, eligible family members and survivors when in need, and to receive and manage funds to administer these programs.

Naval Today Staff, April 26, 2013; Image: US Navy