Australia: ANZAC Battle Tankers March as One

Training & Education

ANZAC Battle Tankers March as One

Anzac Day is a day of national pride when we stop to remember those who forged our military history, and acknowledge those who continue the legacy. This year in true ANZAC spirit the Ships Company of HMAS Success welcomed eleven sailors from the Royal New Zealand Navy Replenishment Ship HMNZS Endeavour to march alongside them in Sydney.

Over a three month period concluding 12 April 2013, eleven Royal Australian Naval personnel were seconded to Endeavour, including eight from Success. This unique opportunity allowed Success sailors to maintain at sea competency during an extended maintenance period for their unit, while augmenting Endeavour‘s crew during a busy time in their operational cycle – which included a visit back to Sydney in February.

WO Steve Bradley, Command Warrant Officer HMNZS Endeavour, and Warrant Officer Deb Butterworth, Ships Warrant Officer, HMAS Success agreed that this activity was a great opportunity to showcase the close bond between the RAN and RNZN.

WO Butterworth said, “our sailors marching together on such a significant occasion will make it clear to the public that the ANZAC spirit of cooperation and mateship is alive and well.

WO Bradley agreed, saying “how valuable it is to foster the strong bonds of comradeship that have developed between sailors of both ships.”

HMAS Success and HMNZS Endeavour provide an essential replenishment at sea capability to their respective fleets, making the recent attachment of RAN sailors to the RNZN an extremely valuable knowledge sharing exercise.

Both ships are currently undergoing maintenance periods, with Success scheduled to return to sea later this year, ready for participation in the International Fleet Review.

Naval Today Staff, April 25, 2013; Image: Australian Navy