Philippine Coast Guard to Step Up Its Standards

Training & Education

Philippine Coast Guard to Step Up Its Standards

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) together with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) this coming Monday will once again hold a joint maritime enforcement curriculum development course as part of the agency’s aim to prioritize maritime security in the country.

Coast Guard commandant Rear Admiral Rodolfo Isorena said that the training will greatly enhance the PCG’s capability in the performance of their mandated task in line with the government’s firm commitment to prioritize maritime security and increase levels of awareness for a better working performance.

The said training will be funded by the United States Export Control and Related Border Security Program (EXBS) and will be facilitated by USCG experts to step up the PCG standards in the conduct of export and border control.

Isorena said that the goal of EXBS is to help prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their missile delivery system, conventional weapons, and related items by assisting foreign governments to establish and implement effective export control system that meet international standards.

The 10-day training will start this coming March 11 at the Coast Guard Ready Force (CGRF) Headquarters in South Harbor, Manila.

Naval Today Staff, March 8, 2013; Image: Philippine Navy