Australian Defence Teams Mark International Women’s Day

Training & Education

Australian Defence Teams Mark International Women’s Day

Six Defence teams drawn from Navy, Army, Air Force and the Australian Public Service competed yesterday in a ‘tug of war’ competition to celebrate International Women’s Day.

The event was held at the Department of Defence headquarters at Russell Offices, and featured six teams: Navy, Army, Air Force, Royal Military College – Duntroon, the Australian Defence Force Academy and Defence People Group.

Event organiser Group Captain Dee Gibbon said the event was a light-hearted tribute to military fitness with teams encouraged to dress in costume.

 “There is healthy competition between the three services. Each team had equal numbers of men and women and showcased how everyone in Defence, whether military or civilian, works together towards common goals,” said GPCAPT Gibbon.

“Today was a lot of fun but also highlights the importance Defence places on days like International Women’s Day and the teamwork inherent within our working environment.”

Two prizes were presented after the event: one to the winners, and one to the best-dressed team. The overall winner was the Royal Military College team, and the best-dressed prize awarded to a mixed team of public servants and military members representing the Defence People Group.

 Chief of the Defence Force, General David Hurley, presented the prizes to the teams.

 “This was a great event to mark International Women’s Day. I congratulate the winners on their skill and participation, and for making time to recognise this great cause,” General Hurley said.

Naval Today Staff, March 8, 2013; Image: Australian Navy